Software & Maker Activities
Developed Software, Designed and made Prototypes for Hobby, Assignment or Competitive Events
1st Prize at WinterHacks 2024 for AI-Powered Snow Detector (2024, aged 20)
- Participated in a hackathon with a friend and won first place out of 79 participants
We developed the solution "EyeSee" inspired by the need to improve winter navigation for the visually impaired. We saw an opportunity to harness machine learning to create a more intuitive and effective aid, addressing the specific challenges posed by snow and ice.
The system comprises dual cameras: one captures visible light, while the other is tuned for near-infrared imaging. The visible light camera feeds images to the neural network for analysis, and the near-infrared camera can be used to further enhance object detection accuracy in the scene.
It utilizes machine learning for quick object detection and an on-device inference system that can be used to detect snow after which EyeSee triggers a buzzer alert. This notification enables users to take immediate precautions or seek alternative paths, guided by the direction where the alert is not sounded. This intuitive design allows users to navigate more safely and confidently in snowy environments.
EyeSee combines a Raspberry Pi with an open-source Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) model from Torchvision for real-time inference. This setup processes images from the dual cameras mounted at the front. Connected to the glasses is a head/neck band, which holds the Raspberry Pi and two 18650 batteries.
Camera with IR filter & 3D printed mount
Final Working Prototype of the snow detector "EyeSee"
Developed an Omni-directional, Motion-Controlled Car using Arduino (2023, aged 19)
Developed a motion-controlled omnidirectional RC Vehicle with mecanum wheels
▲ Final Project Report (63 pages)

▲ Click the video above for a demonstration of the completed prototype
Gyro Sensor and Related Code
Working Prototype
Coding and Maker activities before university
- Developed several interactive games with Scratch (2014, aged 10)
- Robot design and programming — LEGO Mindstorms (2016, aged 12)
- 3D Design — Sketchup (Since 2020, aged 16)
- 3D Printing — Cura, Snapmaker Luban (Since 2021, aged 17)
Concept & functional design of a smartphone app (PicSpot) (2019, aged 15)
- I designed a new app that lets people search for places with great backgrounds for different types of photos
- Problem it solved: Many people take many different types of photos and videos these days - for social media, profiles, outdoor shots, traveling, and more - but often can't find the right place to take a photo or video with the mood they want.
- The Solution developed: Develop the design of a new smartphone app with the following features
- Search for popular places to shoot and popular photos by use
- View photos people have taken at each location to get an idea of exactly what it's like to be there, what the atmosphere is like, and what kind of photos you might get.
- Provide a gallery feature to view the most popular photos by use and over time
Training and Projects at D-Lab Coding Academy (2018-19, aged 14-15)
- Developed basic Android apps with App Inventor
- Basic Programming with C++
- Prototyping & Programming with Arduino